Friday, November 4, 2011

Aromatherapy/Botanicals Tip of the Week


For today's Tip of the Week, we'll be looking at coriander, which is the dried seed of cilantro. This post was inspired by a dinner I made the other night, which called for quite a bit of cilantro. My boyfriend and I love integrating cilantro into our meals because it has such a fresh, green taste that enhances pretty much every sort of dish. I was rinsing the cilantro and began to wonder why I've never come across anything about cilantro being used in herbal medicine. I did a bit of research and found that, while cilantro isn't quite as common in herbalism, its sibling coriander, is.

According to The Power of Holistic Aromatherapy by Christine Stead, coriander can be used internally to relieve flatulence and stomach cramps. You can also add 2-3 drops of coriander oil to 1 teaspoon of a base oil to create a massage oil, which can be helpful for pain associated with rheumatism. Stead also mentions that coriander pairs well with other aromatherapy oils such as bergamot, lemon, neroli, orange, and cypress.

So there you go! Yet another herb to add to your inventory!

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